I’m Karl Gruber, I am a Certified Law Of Attraction Life Coach, Author, and Writer, I am a marathon runner…
My work as a Certified Law of Attraction Life Coach has blossomed out of my deep belief that you have an “extraordinary” – a very real champion – deep within you that is just waiting to be unleashed, and blossom to its fullest potential – a champion that you may not even be aware of that has existed within you since the moment you were born!
My focus on helping you to understand, practice and integrate fitness, health, and well-being into your life, is just one piece of the formula to unleash your inner champion.
I will also guide you to build a rock-solid personal foundation for your life by fortifying your 3 Pillars – Mental, Physical, and Spiritual allowing you create the life you truly desire to live and enjoy life maximally, utilizing the Law of Attraction.
Excellent health and fitness generally correlate to a longer, happier, more enjoyable life, along with a strong personal foundation, which then allows you to pursue with clarity and purpose, your inherent passion and purpose in your life.
As a Law Of Attraction Life Coach, as well as in all of my writing and teaching, I help you remember your own inherent power to create positive self-esteem, worthiness, and the belief that you really can achieve all of your highest aspirations, dreams, goals, and desires.
There is a great creative power within each of us just waiting to be remembered and unleashed, and I will help you to do just that.
I am a Certified Law Of Attraction Life Coach, Author, and Writer, I am a marathon runner…
- ilene@emotionalpro.com
- emotionalmasteryforlife.com