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  • Abundance and Finances

    Our Channelled entities will answer questions we may have on what money is, why we may be stuck in a cycle of poverty or scarcity, how we may come into alignment with that of money, why money is actually our birthright and we are meant to be rich and so much more...

  • Relationships

    Are you stuck in a cycle of toxic relationships and you would like to know how you may move away from these relationships? Maybe you are dealing with narcissists or energy vampires. Our divine can answer questions related to karmic relationships, toxic relationships, twin flames, soulmates, raising conscious children and so much more...

  • Health

    Are you dealing with some health issues right now or you are needing to release a few pounds? With the help of the divine we can help you learn strategies to release weight without dieting, heal from common illnesses and bring our bodies back to complete health and wellness...

  • Personal Development

    The divine is based solely on that of love. Our higher self and source only ever sees us as divine beings of energy and love. Let source and the divine answer questions related to learning to love yourself, recognising your own self worth, building your self confidence, discovering your purpose and so much more...

  • Spirituality

    This is a no-brainer. When we connect with the divine, they can answer questions related to the universal Laws, mastering manifestation, trusting in the divine, connecting with your higher self, letting go of judgement and ascending to the 5D, plus so much more...


Finances Relationships Personal Development Health Spirituality
Poverty Versus Prosperity Consciousness
Healing from Karmic Relationships
Increasing Self Worth and Self Confidence
Healing with the Quantum
Manifesting with the Universe
Releasing Money Blocks
Moving away from Toxic Relationships
Learning to Love Yourself
True Meaning of Food
Ego Versus the Superconscious


Have your say as to what we discuss in the next livestream by voting on 1 of the 3 topics listed. That with the highest vote will become the topic for the coming week. Your vote is important and will allow us to help you as much as we possibly can and ensure that the topics are ones that will help you most.
Like with the votes, it is important that if there is something you are really wanting help with, that you ask questions. Having viewer questions will allow for a more in depth and detailed live. You can do this in advance by completing the vote/questions form or ask in the chat box during the live.
To get the most value out of our livestream and make the most of our time with source, it is important we have as much interaction as possible. Therefore, we would really appreciate it if you could share this channel and the individual livestreams with as many people as possible.
If you are getting value out of our livestreams and would like to give back by donating then please do so by clicking on the donate button underneath the chat box. You can continue watching the stream while you give back adn this would be so appreciated by both Jen and the Channellers.
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