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Thriving as an Empath

  • Life as an Empath

    Are you an empath that is struggling to manage your energies? Are you wanting to determine if you are in fact an empath and are you wondering how you can begin to see it as a beautiful thing and not as a curse. If so, Jen and Terra will answer your questions regarding being an empath and will cover topics that may be plaguing you...

  • Energy Vampires/Toxic Relationships

    We have all known energy vampires in our life and many have been in relationships with narcissists some time in our life. In our livestreams, Jen and Terra aim to help you understand these relationships, determine that you are in one and then figure out how to move away from them including cutting cords.

  • Boundaries

    As an empath, we often suck at setting boundaries. Because of this we get drawn into negative, toxic relationships that don't serve you. Jen and Terra have both struggled with this, but after powering up they are here to show you how you can do the same.

  • Healing from Narcissistic Abuse/Codependency

    If you have been in toxic relationships you will understand that the side effects can be devastating, leaving you with low self worth, low self esteem and a loss of identity so you don't even know who you are anymore. Jen and Terra's aim with these livestreams is to help you begin to heal from these relationships.

  • Protecting Your Energies

    Knowing that you are around toxic people is one thing, but it is a completely different thing to recognise that you need to begin to protect your own energies. Within these livestreams, Terra and Jen will give you some insight into how you can begin to do just that.


Life as an Empath Energy Vampires/Toxic Relationships Boundaries Healing from Abuse Protecting Your Energies
Are you an Empath?
Understanding the Narcissist
Power of Setting Boundaries
Discovering your True Identity
Techniques to Protect your Energy
Empathy as a Privilege not a Curse
Moving away from Toxic Relationships
Personal vs Professional Boundaries
Rebuilding Self Worth/Self Esteem
Staying Calm around Angry People


Have your say as to what we discuss in the next livestream by voting on 1 of the 3 topics listed. That with the highest vote will become the topic for the coming week. Your vote is important and will allow us to help you as much as we possibly can and ensure that the topics are ones that will help you most.
Like with the votes, it is important that if there is something you are really wanting help with, that you ask questions. Having viewer questions will allow for a more in depth and detailed live. You can do this in advance by completing the vote/questions form or ask in the chat box during the live.
To get the most value out of our livestream and make the most of our time with source, it is important we have as much interaction as possible. Therefore, we would really appreciate it if you could share this channel and the individual livestreams with as many people as possible.
If you are getting value out of our livestreams and would like to give back by donating then please do so by clicking on the donate button underneath the chat box. You can continue watching the stream while you give back adn this would be so appreciated by both Jen and Terra.
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