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  • Manifestation

    Are you interested in discovering how you may be able to manifest your greatest desires into your life? If the weeks livestream is on the topic of manifestation, Jen and a chosen guest for that week will connect and discuss a topic that will allow you to manifest with flow and ease.

  • Spirituality

    In this section, Jen will connect with other spiritual experts and bring you conversations on topics such as soul purpose, soul contracts, karmic relationships and even past lives. They will delve deep into spirituality and give you strategies on how you may ascend to 5D.

  • Connection, Connection, Connection

    One of Jen's greatest passions and purposes in life is that of connection. That is helping you connect with your higher self, helping you connect with source and the divine and also helping you connect with other people. If the topic of the livestream is connection then Jen and a guest will bring you topics to help you connect with any one of these groups.

  • Mindset

    Our mindset plays a massive part in our lives when it comes to success. Our subconscious mind is so important when it comes to reprogramming and so in this segment Jen and her guests will talk all about mindset and utilising it for optimal success.

  • Health and Wellness

    The mindset and the soul has been covered but if we were to complete the process of mind, body and soul, we need to also focus on our body and that which is still in the 3D. Therefore, Jen and her guests will discuss topics like quantum healing, nutrition and anything else that seems valuable for your ascension.


Manifestation Spirituality Connection, Connection, Connection Mindset Health and Wellness
Manifesting with the universe.
Ending Soul Contracts.
Connecting with your higher self.
The power of the subconscious in manifesting success.
How to heal with the quantum.
Quantum physics and its role in manifestation.
Healing from Karmic Relationships.
Listening to the messages from the divine.
Reprogramming your past limited beliefs.
Illness is not an option.


Have your say as to what we discuss in the next livestream by voting on 1 of the 3 topics listed. That with the highest vote will become the topic for the coming week. Your vote is important and will allow us to help you as much as we possibly can and ensure that the topics are ones that will help you most.
Like with the votes, it is important that if there is something you are really wanting help with, that you ask questions. Having viewer questions will allow for a more in depth and detailed live. You can do this in advance by completing the vote/questions form or ask in the chat box during the live.
To get the most value out of our livestream and make the most of our time with source, it is important we have as much interaction as possible. Therefore, we would really appreciate it if you could share this channel and the individual livestreams with as many people as possible.
If you are getting value out of our livestreams and would like to give back by donating then please do so by clicking on the donate button underneath the chat box. You can continue watching the stream while you give back and this would be so appreciated by Jen.
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